How to Become a Street Magician

You want to know how to become a street magician. How do you get started? What does it take to make money with magic in the streets? This is a blog about how to turn your street magic hobby into a professional career.

How to become a professional street magician

I am going to tell you how I became a professional street magician. I’m going to tell you how I made money doing magic on the streets and by the end of this post, you will have all the tools you need to start making money from your street magic hobby.

I never intended on becoming a professional street magician. I was just doing it for fun. I was performing often, but not every day and certainly not for money. It wasn’t until one fateful day that I started thinking that maybe I could make some money doing this.

Street Magic is the performance of magic tricks in an outdoor, public environment. It is typically performed with an audience called a crowd who form a circle around the magician. The street magician interacts with the audience and performs at a much closer range than in other areas of magic.

How to Become a Street Magician

I started off as many magicians do, by performing my magic on friends and family at birthday parties and other small gatherings. After doing this for a while, I decided I wanted to turn my hobby into a professional career.

I began working on my skill every day for hours at a time until I was ready to perform for money. Eventually, I had built up such a reputation locally that people would offer to pay me to come entertain at their private functions.

This went on for about a year before I decided it was time to hit the streets and perform for strangers. My first experience performing on the street was exhilarating. I met so many different people from all walks of life and they were all willing to stop and watch some magic.

After much practice, I now make almost all of my income as a professional street magician performing in my local area, which is Las Vegas!

The first thing you’ll need to become a street magician is a magic kit. If you’re serious about your career, then you will want to start off with a high quality kit. The exact items needed will vary depending on the type of act you are planning to put on, but some basic equipment that most kits contain includes:

Playing cards


Sponge balls

A magic wand



There are many different kits available, so it can be difficult to choose the right one. One way of narrowing down which you should get is to think about what sort of tricks you would like to do in your act. Some kits include only the basics and are quite small, while others have over 100 tricks included and are much larger in size.

So, you want to be a magician? Let me be the first to congratulate you on a very wise decision! Becoming a professional street magician has definitely been the best career move I ever made.

I didn’t plan it this way. It happened by accident. When I was 19 I started doing magic tricks for my friends at college parties. At some point someone asked me if I could perform at their wedding reception. The money they offered me was more than I had ever been paid for anything, so I started doing gigs whenever anyone asked me.

Before long I realized that there was money to be made as a magician, and that’s all I needed to hear.

I went out and bought every book on magic I could find and practiced every trick until it was perfect. Then one night a friend asked me if I would do some tricks in the street for tips after we went out to dinner together. He just wanted to impress his girlfriend but it turned out to be my big break.

There is a lot of information on the internet on how to become a street magician, but most of it is outdated or incomplete. I am going to lay out some quick guidelines for those who wish to become professional street performers. The main focus will be on card magic, as that is what I do, but the same principles apply to any type of magic you wish to perform.

The first thing you need is a set of good cards, and a few basic tricks that you know well. Cards are an essential part of any magicians’ tool kit, and they are one of the easiest ways to get started performing magic. Card flourishes and manipulation are also a great way to impress your friends, even if you don’t want to become a pro.

You can practice card tricks with any deck of cards, but after doing this for years I have found that there are certain decks that are better than others. I recommend starting out with a basic “Bicycle” deck (you can find them at any toy store or online). These cards are inexpensive and durable, so they will last longer than most decks. You can also purchase thinner cards for smoother sleight-of-hand moves.

Once you have picked up some basic moves with cards

The first key to making great money as a street magician is to be good. In order to be good, you must practice your magic tricks a lot. Also, you must know how to interact with the audience. This means knowing what kind of things you can say and do that are funny and entertaining.

The second key to being a great street magican is having the right props. You want something that gives you the ability to do amazing things in public places. You also want something that will fit into your pocket so that you can perform magic anywhere at any time.

The third key to being a good street magican is having fun while working. If you are not having fun then there is no reason for people to pay you money or tip you well.

In this blog post I will show you how to make money doing street magic. Street magic is a common thing that is usually performed by professional magicians in the streets of a city. Street magicians are those people who perform magic tricks to entertain people and make them laugh.

There are many different types of street magic shows. Some magicians perform close-up magic tricks, others do mentalism, some do illusions and some even do card tricks.

How to become a professional street magician? First, you need to learn a few basic things about the art of magic.

The first thing you should do is learn how to read people’s minds. This technique is called “Mind Reading” and it’s an easy way to get started with learning how to be a street magician. You can easily find out what kind of person they are by asking them simple questions like “What’s your favorite color?” or “What’s your favorite food?” You can also ask them other things like “What’s your name?”, “Where are you from?”, etc… Once you have their name, you can ask them more specific questions such as “Do you have any hobbies?” or “Do you have any pets?”.

Once you’ve learned how to read someone else’s mind, it

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