Performing on the streets A Do’s and Don’t’s guide

In this blog I will be discussing how to perform on the streets. Today we’re going to be looking at the Do’s and Don’t’s of performing on the streets!


• Be confident! Confidence is key when performing on the street as it will attract more people.

• Smile, smile, smile! Smiling will make you look friendly, which will encourage people to watch you.


• Don’t get angry if people walk past you or don’t watch your performance. Not everybody has the time to stop and watch a show, they may have somewhere important to be.

• Don’t complain about not getting paid, it’s illegal!

Performing on the streets is a great way to earn a living, but can be overwhelming so here are some tips of what to do and what not to do.

A top tip for making it as a street performer is to have confidence. If you lack confidence, then the audience will pick up on that.

It’s also good to make sure you have prepared in advance by knowing your show inside out. That way, if anything goes wrong you can improvise and come back stronger than before.

Also remember – do not try and change your performance for other people’s satisfaction. You will be criticised at some point in your time as a street performer, so keep true to yourself and stick with what you know best. This will help you in the long run, as people will recognise your talent and will want to see more from you!

So you’ve decided to perform on the streets. Congratulations! This is a great way to break into the entertainment industry as well as get some extra cash. Deciding to take your talent to the streets, however, does not mean that it is going to be easy. You will have to endure long hours of performing in all types of weather and for small crowds who may or may not be interested. It can be very discouraging, but if you remain determined and follow my Do’s and Don’t’s guide, it will make your life a lot easier.

My first piece of advice is do NOT bring any kind of equipment. This means do not bring any instruments or amplifiers or anything that requires electricity or batteries for that matter. The main reason why you do not want to bring any equipment with you is because it costs money! Anything that you can play acoustically is preferred-a guitar, a violin, your voice etc. Not only will this ensure that you don’t have to pay hefty rental fees (for the amplifier) or buy batteries every time they run out, but it also makes it easier for you to move around if you decide to relocate your pitch.

Secondly, do NOT pick an expensive pitch.

The art of busking requires a lot more than being able to play an instrument proficiently. This blog has been designed to provide you with the most effective way to perform on the streets and make a living out of it.

First things first, you will need to be very entertaining. You need to be able to grab people’s attention and give them a reason to stay and listen. You could do this by incorporating modern music into your performance or singing covers that are well known by the general public. By doing this you will be able to attract a wider audience as you are playing something that they are familiar with.

You also need to be able to engage with your audience as it makes them feel more comfortable and they feel that they can relate to you better. This may not seem like a big deal but it can have a huge impact when trying to earn money through busking. If you speak politely and ask questions the audience will be more likely to respond positively and give you money in return for your performance instead of walking past without even looking at you, let alone listen!

Also, another tip would be not being afraid of rejection. As hard as it may seem, there will always be people who don’t want anything from you and will try

Whether you’re a busker, a busker-in-training, or just an interesting person with a story to tell, performing on the streets is not as easy as it looks. Street performances are generally not paid performances, although the audience is free to donate money to the performer.

Performing on the streets can be very rewarding, but it is also hard work and takes years of practice and experience. If you’re just starting out as a street performer, there are many things you should know before hitting the streets. The following tips will help you get started on your journey to becoming an official street performer:

1.If you’re going out for the first time, have some sort of plan in mind for what you’re going to do on the streets. It’s not enough to have some props or costumes and think you’ll come up with something when you get out there. You need to have practiced your routine many times beforehand so that your performance is comfortable and second nature.

2.Find a spot where there are lots of people around and try to avoid locations where there is construction going on — nobody wants to listen to loud noises while trying to enjoy their lunch hour!


Street performing is a great way to entertain people, but it can be even more than that. Street performing can also be a great way to make money, and perform for an audience who otherwise wouldn’t have seen your performance. Here is some advice on how to get started and how to go about earning money on the street.

First up, set yourself a goal. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to make £20 in a day? Or do you just want to earn enough money to buy a drink at the end of the night? Whatever your goals are, make sure they are achievable. If your goal is to make £20, you’re going to need at least 5 people who pay you at least £2 each (that’s just an example).

Once you’ve decided on what you want to do and how much you want to earn, decide on where and when you’re going to perform. The best places are often busy city centres or areas which have lots of bars and restaurants around them; this is because most people will already be in good spirits and feeling generous. A good time would be in the evening as there will always be plenty of people walking past as they head home from

Performance art is an ancient art form. In fact, it is older than written history itself. The earliest known performances were cave paintings in Lascaux and Chauvet, France.

There are three main types of street performance: miming, busking and living statues. All of them were invented by the ancient Egyptians, but they have now become popular in Western culture as well.

The most important thing you need to decide before becoming a street performer is what area you wish to specialise in. Each of the three types has its own advantages and disadvantages, which I have detailed below;

Miming is the most popular form of street performance and involves performing a series of actions for the audience. It can be very effective as it speaks directly to the audience without using a single word! However, it does not allow for much character development, as your face will be completely covered by white make-up at all times.

Busking is an altogether different style of street performance, which involves singing to an audience or playing music in front of large crowds. It is generally easier than mime or living statues because there is no need for any props or costumes and it allows you to interact with your audience more easily than miming does. However, busking requires a

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