Busking The Best Things In Life Are Free, Unless You Need An Umbrella

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Best buskers in the world

The Best Things In Life Are Free, Unless You Need An Umbrella: a blog about the best buskers in the world with pictures and videos.

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July 14, 2012 by admin

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Busking: The Best Things In Life Are Free, Unless You Need An Umbrella

The Best Buskers In The World.

This blog is about the best street performers in the world. It’s also got lots of pictures and videos of buskers. If you’re a busker or know of a busker that should be on here send me an email to dave@busk.co and I’ll do my best to include it. Enjoy – Dave

Busking: The Best Things In Life Are Free, Unless You Need An Umbrella.

Busking is the practice of performing in public places for voluntary donations. While buskers are typically thought of as street performers or busker musicians, they can also be other types of performers such as mimes, comedians and magicians. Busking is a way to earn a living for many artists who prefer to perform independently instead of committing to a single venue. Buskers typically play in highly public areas such as city centers, outside public transportation hubs such as train stations and subways, or on the streets of large cities where there are crowds of people enjoying leisure time.

Buskers vary widely in style, talent and reputation. Some buskers are very talented individuals who have honed their craft through years of practice and dedication to their art form. Other buskers simply enjoy entertaining people with whatever skills they may have picked up along the way. Many buskers are street performers who do not have an established reputation yet but hope that performing publicly will gain them recognition in the entertainment community. Because there is no formal training required for beginning a career as a busker, it can be likened to playing music on the streets for spare change or giving out free samples of food at a market stall

Busking, or street performing, is not just an art form, but a way of life. It’s a way of thinking, of being and interacting with the world. This blog is a tribute to all buskers and a celebration of the art that happens on the streets every day.

Busking is wonderful in part because it can make so many things possible for people who come from nothing. It’s about finding your voice and your place in the world without controlling things too much. It’s about being present to create something that brings happiness to people from all walks of life.

My name is David and I’m a busker. I like to draw, play guitar and talk to people from all over the world who stop to watch me work.

This blog is dedicated to one of my favourite pastimes: watching other buskers perform. I have seen some amazing acts in many different cities.

I always take a camera with me so that I can photograph these talented entertainers. Most of them are happy for me to post the pictures on this blog and they usually write something about themselves in the picture caption or in the comments.

I also video some performances and upload those here too.

If you want to see a particular act then use the search box at the top right of this page or click on one of the tags listed under the most recent posts. You can also browse through old posts by clicking on “older posts” at the bottom of each page or by entering a date in the calendar on the right hand side.

I’ve recently had a few requests for tips on how to busk, so I am compiling a list of advice for people looking to get started.

The best way to learn is by watching other buskers. This is one of the reasons why I put so much emphasis on sharing videos of buskers from all over the world. Another great reason to watch other buskers is because you can learn from their mistakes and successes. I remember my first show. It was an open mic in a bar, so I ran down there and set up my umbrella and started playing like any other day on the street. Well, it was raining outside, but it was warm and dry inside, and as soon as I opened my umbrella everyone started laughing at me. Lesson learned: if you are not on the street, don’t open your umbrella!

For those of you who don’t already have a “busking” act prepared, here are a few pieces of advice that will help you prepare for your first few shows.

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