Since I began writing my blog on the top 10 sidewalk musician tips, I’ve been asked by several people what my number one tip would be.
Well, let me tell you… it’s not a secret.
The number one thing you can do to improve your musical skill is practice.
There have been countless studies that prove that the most successful musicians are also the ones who practiced the most. Of course, this isn’t a shocking revelation. But there are some hidden secrets to having an effective practice session that can make all the difference in the world.
The best way to practice is to break up your sessions into 15-20 minute segments. This keeps you focused and prevents you from getting bored and wasting time.
Second, write down your goals for each session and stick to them!
Third, when you’re done with each session, take a moment to reflect on how it went and what you could improve for next time.
Sidewalk musicians are often seen as beggars. But really, we are artists.
1. If a cop kicks you off, find another intersection.
2. Smile at people! Even if they don’t smile back, it’s good to have a positive attitude.
3. Give an old lady a flower! She might not tip you, but she’ll be delighted that someone noticed her.
4. Don’t just play songs people like; give them a reason to like you too! Hey, that rhymed!
5. When it’s raining, bring a tarp and some bungee cords to cover you and your instrument in case it rains harder than expected.
6. Busking is fun! You get to see the same people every day – tell them your name so they can call out to you on their way home from work!
7. Remember: the sidewalk is public property but it’s not your personal property – you’re sharing it with other people so be nice about it!
8) People will make faces if you’re playing something they don’t like – this is natural human behavior; just ignore them or move on quickly (don’t try to argue).
9) A good way of
Sidewalk musicians are musical artists who play music for tips. These street performers come in many variations, including classical, folk, opera, jugglers, magicians, comedians and a lot of other varieties. Some work on a stage and others move from place to place. Most work full-time (40+ hours per week) and are self-employed independent contractors.
Most street musicians have a regular route or spot where they perform and make their living. The location is usually based on legal requirements as well as the potential to attract an audience with disposable income who will reward them with monetary tips for their entertainment.
A good location will have high foot traffic and be in an area where people often stop to listen for a few minutes before moving on. They’ll then repeat the process during the day or come back the next day. The location may also be chosen because there are little or no licensing fees required in that municipality.
Some cities provide designated areas (e.g., Grafton Street in Dublin) or times when street performance is tolerated or encouraged (the South by Southwest music festival in Austin), but most towns simply turn a blind eye unless the performer is causing a public disturbance or safety hazard.
1. Practice, practice, practice!
2. Try different locations and times of day.
3. Choose the right box for your instrument.
4. Prepare for all weather conditions and dress appropriately.
5. Get acquainted with local sidewalk musicians.
6. Maintain good personal hygiene and appearance.
7. Don’t be afraid to try something new!
8. Make eye contact with passersby, but remember not to stare!
9. Mastering the art of panhandling is essential to your success as a street musician!
10. Be sure to treat yourself every once in a while – you deserve it!”
What’s up, everybody? It’s your boy, T-Bone, bringing you ten hot tips for getting better at street music.
Ten years ago, when I started out as a musician, I was lucky to get enough money for a sub sandwich. But after I learned these tricks of the trade, I was eating filet mignon every night and living in an apartment with air conditioner and everything!
So put on that guitar strap and let’s make some bank.
1) Learn to sing out of tune – This is a tip most people don’t know about. The truth is: people have terrible taste in music. If you sing too well they’ll think you’re some fancy-pants opera singer and they won’t give you any money. Sing at least two notes off from the key of your song to make it sound more “real.” People will love it!
2) Don’t play popular songs – Everybody knows how to play “Stairway to Heaven” or “Free Bird,” but nobody has ever heard “Sultans of Swing” by Dire Straits or “Mack the Knife.” Play something unique that will really wow your audience.
3) Always hold out your hat – Money doesn’t grow on trees unless you
1. Find a good location
2. Get good equipment
3. Dress the part
4. Be original
5. Play music people know
6. Accept tips only when you deserve them
7. Don’t be annoying
8. Do your research on local laws
9. Feed off of the energy of the crowd
10. Have fun!
1. Practice your instrument as much as you can.
2. Find a style that suits you, whether it be classical, jazz, or rock.
3. Consult with local musicians to see what their experience has been like.
4. Have fun! If you aren’t having fun, that will show in your music and people won’t want to listen.
5. Be friendly! You never know who will stop by and listen for a minute or two, and even if they don’t give you money they might tell other people about you!
6. Don’t be too shy to ask for money for your music; no one is going to give you money if you don’t ask for it!
7. Be sure to have a good “tip jar” – something that is obvious and draws attention to itself so people know what it is for and drop things in it!
8. Busking is not illegal in most places, but make sure you check the city ordinance before setting up shop – some cities require special permits or have specific locations where busking is allowed (or prohibited).
9. Dress appropriately; if people judge a book by its cover they will also judge a musician by his clothes!