Black Busk vs. Regular Polish

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I have been asked to explain the difference between black busk and regular polish. So I will take a moment to talk about that. The three main differences are:

Regular Polish is made from plastic and can contain harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate. These chemicals can cause dryness, brittle nails and discoloration. Black busk is made from natural ingredients, such as wood and bamboo extracts, beeswax, clay, minerals and even vitamins. This makes it a more healthy option for your nails!

When you apply regular polish it has a glossy shine that looks pretty but wears off quickly. Black Busk is matte which means no shine at all! This is actually a good thing! A matte finish is more durable than glossy and lasts longer on your nails. It also doesn’t chip as easily so you get a longer lasting mani/pedi if you use black busk instead of regular polish.

Black busk is also great for people who want to grow their nails long and strong because it helps them do just that! Because there are no harsh chemicals in black busk like there are in regular polish it allows your nails to breathe so they can be healthier. When your nails can breathe

The first time I heard about black busk on one of my favorite blogs, This Organic Girl, I was a bit shocked. What? You’re telling me that the gel manicures and regular polish I have been wearing for years is actually damaging my nails? All the time, money and effort I have been putting into creating beautiful nails is actually making them weaker?

In the beginning of November, I stopped using any type of polish or gel manicure. I have to admit it was hard at first. Especially when going to weddings, parties and other events where you want your nails to look perfect. But once I got through the first couple weeks without polish, my nails started to grow longer and stronger than they ever have before.

The biggest difference for me has been in the cuticle area. In the past, I would constantly battle with cuticles that were dry, cracked and painful. But now with regular moisturizing (more on that in a minute), they are soft and smooth! It’s amazing how long they have become.

Now my nails are healthy enough to be able to take a little polish every once in a while…as long as it is free from harmful chemicals!

Are you looking to purchase some quality nail polish? Do not look any further. Here at Black Busk we have a wide variety of colors and finishes to choose from! Our company also sells top quality polishes that are not sold in stores. We also have many polishes that do not contain harmful chemicals and are toxin free. This is great for people who want really healthy nails.

Our nail polishes are also long lasting and can last up to 2 weeks without chipping or cracking. This is great for people who constantly paint their nails and want them to last longer than usual. Our polishes come in many different colors such as red, blue, yellow, green, orange, pink, purple and more! We even have black nail polish.

We have been around since 2005 when our company was founded by Brian Nguyen. Brian started the company because he wanted to make quality polishes that were not found in regular stores but only online through our website. He wants everyone who wears his products to be happy with them as well as having healthy nails! If you would like more information on our products please contact us at or call 949-555-5555 during business hours Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm PST. Thank

Normal nail polishes are known to deteriorate over time. They start to thicken and form clumps which makes it hard for you to apply. You may have tried nail polish thinners, but these do not solve the problem entirely. In fact, they can even make your nails more brittle than they originally were.

Specialty nail polishes such as black busk contain a special formula that prevents them from thickening; thus, making it easy for you to apply for as long as you want. Indeed, with these specialty nail polishes, you won’t have to worry about thinning them out anymore.

Nails are one of the most important parts of a woman. They should always be taken care of, but they should also be decorated to make them look beautiful. Nowadays nail polish is a huge part of women’s lives, but it can actually be dangerous and bad for your nails. Some of the most popular nail polishes that can be bought at regular stores contain formaldehyde which causes cancer.

Black Busk is a store bought nail polish that is not only the best quality, but it is also cheap and comes in a wide range of colors. Black Busk nail polish does not contain any formaldehyde and has never been tested on animals. It is $5 and comes in 57 different shades. Not only does Black Busk have great products, but there are also many other awesome features about their company such as their blog and YouTube channel.

The blog on their website contains many useful posts about nail care, hair styling, and skin care. A large amount of Black Busk’s posts are about the benefits of using their products instead of regular polish from regular stores like Wal-Mart or Target. The blog also contains amazing tutorials on how to apply the nail polish correctly. If you’re not a fan of reading or would prefer watching

For long lasting results, start with a base coat. If you don’t have one handy, it’s no biggie. Apply two coats of your desired color, then apply a top coat. This creates a protective barrier for the polish to stay on longer and look better. While the base coat is not necessary, it does help.

If you are doing both hands at the same time, which I find the most efficient way to paint your nails since you can use each hand to let the last coat dry while you paint the next on the other (makes sense right?), start by doing two coats of your desired color on one hand. Once those two coats are dry enough that they won’t smudge but still slightly tacky, apply one layer of top coat to them. Then move on to painting two coats of color on your other hand. Once that second color layer is applied, go back and add another top coat layer to your first hand. Continue this method until you feel your nails are well covered and protected from chipping or cracking.

How to make polish:

* Mix the pigments together with the alcohol in a small glass jar until you get an even consistency. I used a toothpick to mix mine, but you could use anything really. Just make sure your mixing device is small enough to fit inside the bottle. You don’t want to have to pour the polish into another container!

* Add the clear base and mix until smooth. I found that I had to add a little more alcohol here due to it being absorbed by the pigments (which can be annoying, but not a big deal).

The picture above shows a comparison between two versions of my black polish. The first picture shows what my polish looks like after drying for about 30 seconds. The second picture shows how it looks after drying for about 5 minutes. You can see that there is still some shine left, which is why I recommend using this as a top coat instead of wearing it alone.

* Add one drop of nail hardener and shake well.

How to apply:

If you’re using this as a top coat, just paint one thin layer over your favorite shade of red or pink and let dry completely before applying another coat over it if necessary.”””


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