How To Busk: a blog about how to take on the art of street performing and make some extra cash.
I’ve been busking for over 10 years now and I’ve picked up a few tricks that I will share with you here. As a professional busker, my goal is to maximize my earnings which means I have to be in the right place at the right time with the right music and the correct mood.
Busking can be an extremely lucrative side hustle but it’s not always as easy as it looks and you need to be prepared for all circumstances. There are many different aspects to this street performance art form and I will explain how I approach each one.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
How To Busk is a blog about how to take on the art of street performing and make some extra cash. There are a lot of resources out there for busking, but it can be difficult to find much that is useful, so I thought I’d start with a few posts on the basics.
Busking is an art in itself, but it also helps if you play an instrument or sing. If you don’t know how to do either then I suggest learning before you start busking as this will help your chances of making money.
If you’re new to street performing and want to give it a try then I would suggest using a local indoor market as your first venue. Just turn up on the day and ask if anyone has any slots available. An indoor market lets you get used to the experience without having to brave the elements, and if it all goes wrong then at least you’ll only have made your way across town!
Welcome to, a blog about how to take on the art of street performing and make some extra cash.
This site was created to help others find the joys and experiences that come with busking. I’m looking for new people to join me on this journey as we learn how to busk together and hopefully make a little money along the way.
I’ve been busking off and on for several years now and I’d like to share my experiences with anyone who is interested in learning more about street performing. If you’re thinking about trying your hand at busking but don’t know where to start, this is the site for you.
Here are some of the things you can learn from How To Busk:
I have been busking since I was a teenager, and continue to do so to this day. It’s not a fast way to get rich, but it can be fun, rewarding, and a great way to make some extra cash.
There is no set formula for success as a street musician. Some people play instruments; others sing or dance (or both). You can perform alone or in a group. You can play covers of popular songs or original material. You can even set up your busking act in front of local businesses and offer your services for hire at parties and other events.
The sky is the limit! But there are some common considerations that every musician faces when they step foot outside with an instrument (or without). I will be covering these topics in future blog posts, but I thought it would be helpful to outline some of the major points that I plan to cover right here on the front page.
There are many tips on how to busk, but the first and most important tip is to be genuinely ready to do it. If you are not ready, don’t go out. You will fail.
The second thing you should know about is your location. Good locations have many people walking by who might stop and listen to you for a few minutes, or even longer.
If you have a good location, it’s time to play your music for real people for the first time. This is called “testing”, and it’s very important. Your playing in front of real people is going to be different from playing at home or in class or anywhere else. Sometimes there are other noises around you that can make it hard for people to hear your music, sometimes there are things happening around you that can distract you from your music.
You need to get used to this new environment before starting your busking career. Play your music in the same location that you plan on working out of, and observe how people react. If they do not seem interested, change something about how you perform: try playing louder if they don’t notice you; try moving if they don’t like what they see; try changing songs if they don’t like how your music sounds; try putting
Busking is a fun way to make money, meet new people and visit parts of the world you wouldn’t normally have a chance to explore. Unfortunately many people think it’s quite difficult to make a good living busking but this simply isn’t true. The key is practice, perseverance and being open to different styles.
If you want to get started busking, try out some of the tips below. They’ve worked for me over the years and I hope they can help you too.
Successful busking takes lots of practice so don’t expect to get it right straight away. Start off practicing in front of friends and family until you’re confident enough to perform in public.
Make sure your performance is relevant for your location. A joke about the French in Paris probably won’t go down too well. Likewise a joke about Germans in Munich will fall flat unless it’s delivered by an English speaking performer!
To Busk or Not to Busk
I’ve busked for four years now, so I guess that makes me an old pro at this point. But as someone who’s been through it all, I can tell you that it’s not so easy to get started. It really is a little daunting to take your guitar onto the street for the first time and hope that people will stop and listen.
In fact, a lot of people don’t listen. And some of the ones who do listen? They don’t throw money in your hat. There are actually some very important lessons that you need to know before you can be successful as a busker, but these are things no one tells you. They’re secrets that buskers like me have learned over many long years on the street.
So I decided to collect those lessons here on my blog, and share them with you all.
Here’s a list of the topics we’ll cover: