How to Compose a Beat on Your Computer or Laptop: A blog discussing the different software and tips around composing music.
Go beyond the limits of your physical instrument with these digital tools.
I’ve been composing music for as long as I can remember. And while keyboard will always be my favorite instrument, it isn’t always convenient to have one available when inspiration strikes. If you are in a similar situation, here are some ways you can use your computer to compose beats.
A computer with at least 1 gig of RAM and a 500 MHz processor (for most software)
A sound card/audio interface that works with your computer
A MIDI controller (optional)
You also need to decide what kind of music you want to compose and what type of beat you need it for. Most electronic music is based on loops, so you’ll need something to provide those for you – whether that’s another piece of software or a live musician recording the drums, bass or other instruments on cue. If you want an orchestral sound, it’s helpful if someone who knows how they work can help!
Most people use laptops but any computer will do as long as it has enough RAM and a processor fast enough to run whatever program they’re using
Hello, my name is John. I am a producer and sound engineer from Kansas. I will be discussing the different software and tips around composing music for your computer or laptop.
There are many different ways to compose music on your computer or laptop depending on your personal tastes and style of work. You may find yourself using one of the following methods below or a combination of methods so feel free to adapt and change it up to suit you best.
1) Using a MIDI keyboard with pre-made sounds in your software
This is probably the most popular way to compose hits these days. Using a MIDI keyboard with your DAW you can choose from a variety of sounds built into the software itself or via 3rd party VST’s (virtual instruments). There are many good MIDI keyboards on the market these days that come with a variety of sounds already built in as well as extra controls like faders, transport controls, drum pads etc. The M-Audio Axiom series is what I have been using for years now and it suits me well but there are other brands out there such as Novation, Korg and M-Audio that all make great products so get researching! TIP: Make sure you get the highest quality audio interface you can afford to go with
As a composer, you need to be able to compose music. As a musician, you need to know how to create a beat. You will need a keyboard or guitar that you can use as an instrument.
You should also have a good ear for melody and rhythm. You can listen to your favorite songs and practice them on your own time and see if the song sounds good or not.
This is the most important thing when you are trying to learn how to compose a beat on your laptop or computer. You must get used to listening to the music on your computer and practice playing it over again on your own time until you become comfortable with it.
Do not try to listen to all of the music in your library at once. Just play a few songs for about ten minutes each day and see if you are still enjoying the music after that time has passed. If so, then it is time to practice some more!
You will eventually be able to make beats faster when you get the hang of it. Here is a step by step beginner’s guide to composing music on your computer or laptop:
1) Create a new project in the program that you are using, and set the tempo. The tempo is how fast the music is. If you want it more relaxed, set the tempo to around 70 beats per minute, and if you want it more upbeat, set the tempo to around 100 beats per minute.
2) If you want to compose for a longer period of time, add 4 bars to your project. If not just leave it at 2 bars.
3) Decide what kind of sounds you want in your beat. They could be drums, basses, synths, bells and many other sounds. You should decide what kind of genre you want it to be before choosing these sounds. For example if you want to create a pop beat then use some catchy chord progressions and drum patterns. Here are some popular genres:
-Rap/Hip Hop
-Electronica (Dubstep/Drum & Bass)
4) Once you have decided on these sounds, add them onto your project and see how they sound
Many of you have asked me how I compose music, especially now that I am getting older. My music style is changing and I do not want to keep composing the same beats over again. I would like to share my secrets with you all and give you a few tips on how you can compose music on your computer or laptop.
The first thing that you need to do is decide what kind of beat you are going to make. Do you want it to be upbeat, laid back, heavy, light or anything else? Once you know this you can start thinking about the instrumentation that will go into your beat. You will probably want some kind of drum kit (snare, bass and kick) as well as some kind of keyboard or piano.
The next step is choosing a tempo for your song. This will depend on how fast-paced the beat is and how many bars it needs to fit into. A good rule of thumb is one bar per minute so if your song contains eight bars it may be best to set the tempo at 4/4 time (beats per bar).
Before you start making a beat on your computer, you want to make sure your computer is able to handle the processor needs of the software you are going to be using. There are tons of sites with information on how to choose a computer for music production. Check them out.
Also, it is good to know about the different types of software available for making beats.
There are two categories of beat making software: MIDI Sequencers and Audio Sequencers. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and which one you should use depends on your style of music production.
MIDI Sequencers make beats using MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). This is basically a type of data that specifies the pitch, volume, attack velocity and duration of a note or chord. It does not, however, specify what sound will actually play when this note is triggered. Instead, these notes are played by virtual instruments that are built into the software or added by you via an external keyboard or synth module. For example, if a snare drum is specified in a MIDI sequence, then when the sequence is played back it will trigger the sound of a snare drum from whatever instrument has been specified in that channel (or track) of the MIDI sequence. So basically MIDI sequences do not contain