How to Deal with Street Musicians

If you live in a major city, then it is likely that you will encounter street musicians from time to time. Often times, these street musicians can be a nuisance, and most people do not know how to deal with them. This guide will give you the information that you need to deal with street musicians in a variety of situations.

Street musicians are found on most major streets in big cities. They play music for many different reasons, but the most common reason is to make money. Some people consider this to be begging and therefore wrong or immoral, but if we look at the situation objectively we find that these people are actually providing a service. Before I get into this argument let me first explain what kinds of street musicians there are and what their motivations are.

There are three main types of street musicians:

The professionals – These are people who have honed their craft over many years and perform all over the world (and sometimes even live off of it).

The semi-professionals – These are people who want to become professionals and see busking as a stepping stone towards that goal. They may perform at other venues besides the streets (e.g., bars, clubs, concerts).

The amateurs – These are people who do not have musical aspirations

Street musicians can sometimes be a nuisance. You might find them playing on the streets where you work or play and you may need to know how to deal with them. Here are some guidelines for dealing with street musicians:

When you encounter a street musician, you should be able to make a decision about what to do. The decision can be either to stop and listen, or to keep walking. If you choose to stop, there is another decision for you to make: whether or not to give a tip.

Whether or not you ignore the street musician depends on several factors.

First, how much time do you have? If you’re already running late, it’s best not to stop and listen. That’s because if the music is good enough that you’d want to give them money, it will probably make you even later.

If you do have time and want to stop, one factor in your decision should be whether or not others are already paying attention. If the musician already has an audience, by stopping and listening to them you are sending a signal that they are good enough for you to spend part of your valuable time (and money) on. So unless their music is really good, it’s better not to stop. But if others aren’t paying attention then stopping won’t send such a strong signal; and so as long as their music is better than average it’s worth stopping for.

Once you’ve stopped listening, there are two things that should influence your decision about

The first thing you should know is this: street musicians are not criminals. They do not cause any damage nor do they steal anything from passers-by. Yet, some people are convinced that street musicians are a public nuisance, and a threat to the community. The second thing you should know is this: street musicians want your opinion.

Some people love street musicians. Other people hate them. For the most part it’s really about how you feel about their music, but it’s also about how much control you want over your experience in the city. Some people love being surprised by the unexpected; others want to be able to predict what will happen to them when they go out into the world. If you’re in the latter group, then you may resent street musicians for unexpectedly interrupting your day with their music.

If you’re in the former group, on the other hand, then you may like having things broken up with a bit of surprise and spontaneity. You may even enjoy it when other people walk past a musician and stop for a moment to listen, bringing some life and energy into an otherwise routine walk down the street.

The bottom line is that street musicians can be annoying or charming depending on who you are and what mood you’re in when they

The first thing you should understand about street musicians is that they are the same as you. They are people just like you who have fallen on hard times, and have decided that street performing is their best option. You may say to yourself “I would never do that”. Well, I would never either, but it’s not because I think it’s beneath me. It’s because I’m good at other things.

The second thing you should understand is that there is a large amount of hard work involved in being a successful street musician. They are not sitting back and relaxing while they play music for you. In fact, they probably don’t even want to be playing music for you (they’d rather be making money doing something else). There is a reason why they are there. It’s to make money.

The third thing you should understand is that most street musicians are extremely talented at what they do. Most of them could have made it big if they had gone the more traditional route by doing talent shows, playing small gigs and trying to get discovered by some record label executive at a bar somewhere (which sounds a lot like something out of an old Hollywood movie). However, going this route takes time and money (which most people don’t have). So the street musician

Street musicians are a major nuisance, especially in the popular tourist areas of most large cities. They are loud, they block traffic, and they are almost always really, really bad.

The fundamental problem with street musicians is that they are playing for money. This creates two problems for them: (1) if they play something that people like, people won’t give them any money; and (2) if they play something that people will pay to stop, then the police will arrest them. This means that street musicians must play something that is so annoying that people will pay just to get them to shut up for a minute.

So what exactly should you do?

In most large cities, there is a municipal ordinance against playing music on the street without a permit. The police have been ordered not to enforce the ordinance except in certain “special circumstances.” In practice this means that they will only arrest someone if they think it will help get them reelected or appointed to some other office by making them look tough on crime.

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