Street Performers and the Diseases They Spread: A blog about common diseases that street performers could be carrying.
It is a well-known fact that street performers are a major cause of spreading diseases. Many people have become infected with diseases and have died because of street performers. The purpose of this blog is to teach you how to spot a disease carrier, what to do in case of infection, and how to prevent the spread of diseases.
The first step in avoiding the spread of diseases is learning how to spot an infected person. Most of the time, a diseased person will display one or more symptoms. These symptoms include but are not limited to: coughing, sneezing, bleeding from any orifice, having one or more limbs missing, and green skin. If you notice someone displaying one or more of these symptoms, leave their presence immediately.
This is a blog about common diseases that street performers could be carrying. There are many street performers who show off their skills for money, such as fire breathers, clowns, and contortionists. However, these street performers could be spreading diseases to innocent bystanders without even knowing it.
In the year 2000 there was an incident in New York City where a man with tuberculosis (TB) went to Times Square and coughed on people, who were then exposed to the disease. This type of exposure can cause pulmonary TB, which is a type of TB that affects the lungs and can be fatal if not treated properly. One of the other ways that people can get infected with TB is through airborne transmission. This occurs when an infected person sneezes or coughs around others; however, this only happens in enclosed areas such as buildings and train stations.
Therefore people should not go up to street performers and give them hugs or high fives because they could be spreading diseases that you don’t want to catch!
The following blog will inform you about the diseases that are commonly spread by street performers. Street performers in the United States alone, make up a large percentage of the population. Most people are unaware of the health risks of street performing. These performers keep to themselves and often do not share their personal health information with their fans. Thus, it is important for their fans to be aware of the diseases that they could be carrying.
The most common disease that street performers carry is Malaria. Malaria is an infectious disease that can be fatal if not treated. It is caused by a parasite. Street performers have been found to carry this disease because they often travel to areas where malaria is common and then perform without seeking treatment for the disease when they return to the United States. The signs and symptoms of malaria are fever, vomiting, and headache. If you think you have come into contact with a street performer who may have malaria, see your doctor immediately.
Another common disease spread by street performers is Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). There has been only one case of EVD in the United States thus far, but there continues to be a high number of cases in Africa where many street performers travel from and return to after performing in the U.S. Symptoms of EVD include
In this blog, I’m going to go over common diseases that street performers could be carrying.
There are many risks of contracting a disease from a street performer, and it is important to understand how to reduce your risk.
One of the main ways you can contract a disease from a street performer is if they have an open sore on their skin and you come in contact with it. One of the most common types of open sores are cold sores, which are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores typically occur around the mouth and lips but they can also appear on other parts of the body such as the hands or fingers. The best way to reduce your risk of contracting herpes from a street performer is to avoid direct contact with any possible open sores.
Another way you can contract a disease from a street performer is through direct contact with blood or bodily fluids. Blood borne pathogens such as HIV and Hepatitis B can be transmitted in this way, so it is important to avoid touching any blood or bodily fluids that may be present on a performer’s hands or clothes. One easy way to do this is by wearing gloves if there is any chance that you might come into contact with someone else’s blood or bodily fluids while working as a
Street performers are a common site in any major city. In fact, street performers are common all over the world. From Acrobats in China to fire-breathers in Mexico, street performers have amazed people from all walks of life and all ages. We have been entertained by them for generations, and will continue to be entertained by them for years to come.
Unfortunately, street performers can be a hassle. They perform on the streets without permits, and many times block the streets for pedestrians and cars alike. Worse yet, some of them can carry some nasty diseases that you may not know about!
To help you avoid getting sick from these crazy street performers, here is a list of the top diseases you could catch from them:
It is a fact that street performers are prone to many diseases especially if they perform in front of public places. The most common one is the flu. However, there are many other diseases that they might have contracted through unsanitary practices or other means.
The flu is a common disease among them because they often perform in crowded areas where people tend to gather together. They also perform outdoors and are exposed to the elements so it is easy for them to catch colds.
Other than the flu, another disease that they can get is pneumonia. This is because they often sing or play music so they have high chances of getting this from someone who has already gotten it.
They also have higher chances of getting hepatitis C because they usually touch their instruments with their fingers and then put their fingers into their mouths without washing them first.