1. David Burduk
2. Human Statue
3. This is a blog about incredible street performers that inspires people of all ages.
4. The subway station is not only a place to transfer trains and go to different parts of the city, but also a place to express your ideas and make some money as well as inspire others through your actions.
5. This blog was written by Joe Jackson, who recently visited New York City and came across many talented people on the streets who were willing to express their feelings in front of others for just a few dollars.
Street performers are a unique breed of entertainers. They perform in public spaces to an audience that is either actively seeking them out, or just passing by on their way to other activities. The street performer is often an underdog, working outside the traditional entertainment industry to make their art. But sometimes, these performers achieve fame and stardom through their incredible talent. Here we’re going to look at five of the most famous street performers from around the world.
1. Angel Elejorde
Angel Elejorde is a Filipino street performer who was born without legs. He’s also the fastest man on no legs, running at a remarkable 28 mph over short distances. His dream is to race against Olympic Gold medalist Usain Bolt, and he’s been training hard to achieve his goal.
2. Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman may be the most famous street performer on this list, but that doesn’t stop him from taking to the streets for the occasional impromptu musical performance. The multi-talented actor put on an impromptu performance of “The Music Man” in New York City’s Grand Central Station in 2010 and more recently appeared as a busker outside of London’s Leicester Square station with wife Deborra-Lee Furness.
3. Straight No Chaser
Straight No Chaser is a group of 10 men who formed an a capella group while attending Indiana University in 1996. They fell out of touch for many years until a 1998 video of them performing their version of “The 12 Days Of Christmas” went viral on YouTube 10 years later and helped them reunite.
4. Krown
Krown (David Guez) is a French beatboxer who gained recognition after
If you are like me, you love seeing people do amazing things on the street. While I was traveling through Europe last summer, I saw many talented street performers from all over the world.
I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite street performers with you. In no particular order:
1) The Strumbellas
This band is so much fun! They are a rock/folk band from Canada. I saw them perform in Ireland and they had the whole crowd dancing. If you have not heard their music before, I recommend checking out their song Spirits.
2) The Hip Hop Violinist
I am not usually a huge fan of hip hop music, but this violinist is incredible! He raps while playing his violin at the same time and he does it so well. I did not get his name but I hear he plays all around New York City.
3) The Human Beatbox
I heard about this guy when I was in Madrid. Apparently he has been performing for 20 years and people come from all over Europe to see him perform in London. He makes beatboxing sound like a full orchestra and makes everything from pop music to classical.
4) The Australian Band
They are called Buskers Crash the Orchestra
1. Acrobats: Acrobats are a common type of street performance, where the performer has to do tricks with their body and/or objects like hoops, balls, or sticks. Think Cirque du Soleil for the streets.
2. Fire Performers: Fire performers use fire juggling, fire eating, fire breathing, and other fire related tricks to entertain the audience. These performers have to be extremely careful in performing their acts and cannot rely on any technology or external devices.
3. Magicians: Magicians have always been popular street performers because they can perform card tricks, coin tricks, and more without a lot of props and equipment.
4. Jugglers: Jugglers are a form of circus entertainment where the performer has to juggle things like balls, clubs, rings, plates, or knives in order to impress the audience!
5. Musicians: Musicians are great street performers because they can play instruments like guitars, drums, harmonicas and more for people passing by on the streets!
5. The Great Tomsoni and Company
John Thompson and Pamela Hayes were a couple who performed magic tricks together in Las Vegas, usually in the Las Vegas Hilton. They were also known as The Great Tomsoni and Company, with “Tomsoni” being a portmanteau of their last names. After they got divorced in 1994, Pamela Hayes married another magician, Johnny Ace Palmer.
The Great Tomsoni and Company performed a lot of close-up magic tricks, like making handkerchiefs disappear and reappear or cutting up and restoring ropes. At least one of their acts involved one of them being wrapped in bubble-wrap and being pushed off the side of a building, although it has been described by others as merely the illusion that she was pushed off the side of a building.
4. Chris Bliss
Not only does Chris Bliss have some amazing juggling skills, he was also the first person to ever throw five basketballs into the air at one time (a record which has since been beaten many times over). His act involves juggling balls and clubs with his hands while balancing other objects on his chin, sometimes multiple objects at once. He also juggles rings, which is harder than it sounds because rings don’t bounce like balls do.
1. The Ukulele guy
2. The Piano man
3. The Violinist
4. The Dancer
5. The Singer