It is a mistake to think that children’s dancing comes naturally. You can train them for it. And you don’t have to just dance with them: you can help them learn to dance better, or learn to dance themselves.
As I said, I started this blog because of my children. My daughter has been taking lessons since she was three, and I came across a couple of other moms at the same studio who were doing something similar and thought it would be fun to share our experiences with others.
I have found the blogging process has been a great way to communicate our experiences with others. It is easy to put a lot of thoughts down on paper, but difficult to do it in person in the office or in front of the kids when they are there too! I have found that writing takes time, but is even more effective as a means for expressing yourself than as an actual way of communicating. This blog has proven to be very useful in helping me get my thoughts down and thinking about what we are having difficulty with or how we are progressing.
My daughter is now eleven and we have just had her first year long summer break from lessons. She has started off this summer by taking private lessons on some very basic moves and positions. Her
For a child who is not very good at dancing, then, the only way to improve is by working on it. A lot. Lots of time, lots of effort, lots of practice.
In fact, that is what the great teachers do. They work with their students hard and they work with them often. Every single week they have class, whether they are at home or at the studio. It’s important to be consistent: every week your kids will have a chance to try out all the new skills they learn in class.
It’s also important to be creative: you can’t expect your children to get better just by repeating the same steps over and over again. You need to vary what you do during the lesson so that it gets more interesting for them.
If you go to a dance studio or take private lessons for your child, keep in mind that it’s important for the teacher to know how many other kids are taking classes there and how old they are. The teacher should also be aware of any physical limitations your child has (such as being disabled).
New York City is the best place to be a parent. Well, you might say that about any place you live. But in New York, if you’re a parent who has any interest in your children’s development as artists, it’s hard not to think of yourself as a pretty special person, an unpaid art teacher.
Or at least a person who has noticed something worth paying attention to.
The most important thing, I think, is just being there. Parents can’t do everything they should do to help their kids succeed at dancing. But they can do some things that are almost impossible for anyone else to do, and taking advantage of all of them would make a huge difference.
Here are some ideas:
1) Teach your child how to dance with you
Most of what parents learn about dancing comes from watching others and doing it themselves. That’s probably because they have no choice but to observe and imitate; no matter how good they get at dancing themselves, they can never catch up with the great dancers that come along every few years to take over the world.
But when you teach your children how to dance with you, as soon as they start learning the steps of the dances you like best, they will know them perfectly whether or not you keep
The biggest challenge for children learning to dance is that they have to learn to coordinate a lot of separate skills. But all this coordination is difficult because there are a lot of things they have to know, and they don’t have time to understand them all. They have to learn how to walk, how to stand, how to hold on to the other person, and so on.
To help them learn each of these skills, we need to provide opportunities for practice in which they can develop the necessary coordination. So we tell them what each step means and give them the opportunity for practice when we are teaching them a new dance.
But if we try this approach with children too young for language, it won’t work: we will just confuse them instead of teaching them. So we teach their language first so that they know what we want them to do before they start learning a new dance.
There are plenty of dancers who are excellent without being great, and plenty of great dancers who can’t really dance. Some kids just need to be taught how to move and how to look good while they’re doing it. And that’s where a good dance studio comes in.
There are many reasons why this is true, but at the heart of it is the human brain. As far as we know, humans are the only species on Earth that dances. In every other animal species, social bonding occurs through mating or aggressive behavior, and for many purposes, dancing doesn’t serve a purpose at all.
In humans, however, dancing does serve a purpose: it helps us communicate with the other people in our group… no matter how small or large that group may be. It lets us display our emotions to one another verbally and non-verbally… no matter whether we have words with which to express those emotions or not. It allows us to form bonds with one another… no matter whether those bonds exist in reality or not.
Dancing is so important to us that it has been selected as an evolutionary trait by natural selection. That means it has some kind of selective advantage — something that makes it more likely to be passed
In the past, it was common for parents to pay instructors a fee to teach their children at home or in local studios. Now, many parents have realized that they can also teach their children themselves, in the comfort of their own home.
This blog will showcase some of their successes and failures.
In this case I really mean professional. It is not merely a matter of spending time at a dance studio, or taking classes. You need to have a specific skill set, and be prepared to work hard at it, and be willing to sacrifice other things in order to master the technique. And you also need to be able to recognize that only your very best efforts can be expected to do the job.
The most important thing is that you are willing to learn what it takes. Most adults probably don’t realize how much they can improve. If they did, they would jump at the chance to learn more.