Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Vitamin D

We are not getting enough Vitamin D, and we know it!

This blog will share with you the signs that your body is deficient in Vitamin D as well as other vitamins and minerals.

We do not believe in selling supplements. We believe that your body can be fixed just by changing your diet and introducing new activities into your lifestyle. These ways of living will not only help you get enough vitamin D but also help you to live a healthier life as a whole.

It is important that you understand why you need vitamin D, how much you need, and where to find it. This blog encourages you to read about vitamin D deficiency and experiment before buying any pills or supplements, which in the end may be more harmful than helpful to your body.

Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Vitamin D is a blog written by Dr. Andrew Smith. He has been practicing medicine for over 20 years, and we hope that his insights will help all of us live healthier lives!

Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Vitamin D – Dr. Axe

You’ve heard it from your doctor, your mom, and even your dermatologist: “Go out and get some sun!” Why are so many health experts recommending that we soak up the sun’s rays? Turns out, the sun may be a more powerful healing tool than we ever knew. Read on to learn how some sun exposure may be necessary for your health—and how you can still avoid getting burned.

Sunlight is essential to the body because it is one of the only ways to absorb vitamin D. In fact, vitamin D status is so closely tied with sunlight exposure that a scientific term has been coined to describe vitamin D deficiency: “sun starvation.” Even just 10 minutes of sunshine 3 times weekly untans your skin and helps boost vitamin D levels significantly.

This makes sense given that vitamin D (actually a hormone) is produced when sunlight hits our skin. This is why people who live in northern climates where the sun isn’t strong enough for most of the year have a higher risk of deficiency, as do people who cover their skin frequently due to religious or cultural reasons.

While most people associate vitamin D with bone health, this fat-soluble vitamin has far-reaching effects in the

You’ve probably heard a lot about vitamin D lately, and with good reason: Research shows that many of us are deficient in this important nutrient. Deficiencies have been linked to everything from cancer to diabetes to depression, so it’s important to do what you can to get your levels up.

But besides getting out in the sun more and eating foods rich in vitamin D, how can you tell if you really need more? Check out these eight signs your body may not be getting enough of this essential vitamin.

When you think of vitamin D, the first thing that comes to mind is probably bone health. And for good reason: Vitamin D is critical for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. But if you’re deficient in vitamin D, you could also be at risk for bone pain and muscle weakness. In fact, one early symptom of rickets (which is caused by a severe deficiency of vitamin D) is skeletal deformities, including bowed legs and knock knees.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if that cold or the flu is actually just a cold or the flu — once they hit, they’re very similar in terms of symptoms, and both can easily last for weeks at a time. But research has found that deficiencies in vitamin D could make you

I’ve always been interested in health and nutrition. When I was a poor college student, I couldn’t afford much, but I tried to make sure I ate healthy.

One day, a friend of mine suggested that I try taking vitamin supplements. He swore they helped him feel better and more energetic. So I bought some vitamin D pills, and soon enough, he was right! I felt great!

I’ve taken vitamin D ever since then.

In a previous post, I talked about how to test your Vitamin D levels and what is considered optimal. Now that you are aware of the facts about Vitamin D, let us discuss if you may need supplementation and how much. The daily recommended allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 600IU for ages 1-70, and 800IU for ages 71+. This is the bare minimum amount needed to maintain bone health. If you are deficient or insufficient in vitamin D, supplementation would be necessary to bring your levels back up to optimal ranges. However, one thing to keep in mind is that the RDA’s have been determined in an attempt to prevent deficiency, not promote optimum health.

The RDA’s have been developed over many years and based on what we believed was necessary to prevent deficiency diseases such as rickets. The problem with these guidelines is that they are NOWHERE close to what is needed for optimal health. In fact, it has been said by experts in the field that 4000-5000 IU of vitamin d per day would be necessary to maintain adequate levels in the majority of people living in North America. This recommendation came from a group of researchers at the GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute who conducted the D*action study which followed over 1500 individuals receiving 5000

The “sunshine vitamin” is produced when you’re out in the sun. It’s also found in a few foods, including fatty fish and fortified milk.

Your body needs it to absorb calcium, which helps with bone growth and bone health. It may even help prevent some cancers and other diseases, like multiple sclerosis and diabetes.

There are two forms of vitamin D: D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Your body makes vitamin D3 when your skin is exposed to sunlight. You also get it from food sources like eggs and fish.

Vitamin D2 comes from plants. This is often added to foods such as milk or cereal.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms usually appear after months or years of poor diet or not getting enough sunlight exposure. They can include:

Fatigue and tiredness

Bone pain

Joint pain

Muscle pain

1. You feel tired

2. You feel depressed

3. You have a hard time concentrating

4. You have frequent muscle spasms and cramps

5. You have a tendency to get sick often

6. Your bones hurt

7. Your skin is dry, itchy, or flaky

8. Your hair is dry and brittle

9. You’ve lost your appetite

10. You’ve lost weight

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